Thursday, February 7, 2013


     Love.  Love is weird to start, like really weird. It breaks all the rules including morals. Love is a drug and still not illegal. But for serious love makes us do stuff we would not normally do, so does beer and/or weed and/or cocain.  All of these things send chemicals to brain that make us act different, treat other people different, and make us what to do lame things (Lame things being going to chick flicks, plays, and for the most part pretending to be something your not).  The goverment has set and age to which you can buy alchol and cigerets, but they have not set and age for love why is this... nobody knows.
     Love is everywhere, it is in our homes, it is in our school, it is in our music, it is in our movies, it is in our minds, and most inportanlly it is in our hearts. It is almost like it is human nature.

1 comment:

  1. "but they have not set and age for love why is this... nobody knows."
    Love grows, and it grows with us and that is why there is no age limit. because love starts with a parent then a friend then a lover, it matures with us.
