i stop and think back
why is it so hard to remember
every last thing we did yesterday
i try to think but i can only feel
disarray because of lost memories
of yesterday
it only gets worse when
i think of yestereve [yester-eve(two days ago)]
i can't even remember my own
name or what i ate
but oh how satisfide
i was when i did eat
or at least i think i was
when i did eat
oh wait i don't remember
sadly the fat on my tummy
is not that good of a reminder
unlike fine wine memories do not
stand the test of time
i not going to be honest
I've only had one kiss
but who it was with
is a good question
that slaps like a fist
and leaves me with emptiness
that can only be filled with a memory of a kiss and who it was shared with.
the memory of a kiss is that still frame right before it happens and right before the eyes close.